Saturday, March 1, 2008

They Would Soar

I hope no one gets tired of my story updates... Although it has been a while.

Adon was barely tall enough to see over the stall wall. But then he heard a snort, and movement, and before he was ready, a large head peered over the door. Adon faltered, taking a step back. He was huge.

“Well, let’s go!” Marion said, and he reached for the door latch. Before Adon had time to comprehend what was going on, Marion had led the animal out of the stall and into the dim morning. He was pulling himself up on the massive animal’s back as he struggled to keep the creature from walking forward. “This is Veridus,” Marion said. “Now get on.”

Adon hesitated. Where had this creature come from and why were they allowed to use him.

“Come on!” Marion shouted. “We don’t have much time. I promise you; we are allowed to borrow him.”

Having no other choice, Adon did at he was told and pulled himself up behind Marion. He heard Marion say a word that he did not understand, and with a jolt, they were soaring on the air. Adon clutched at Marion’s back, almost reeling backward off the horse. “Oh my God!” he shouted. “What the hell is this?”

“Watch your language!” Marion grunted over his shoulder. Veridus tossed his head wildly as if understanding the boy’s words. “This, is a flying horse.”

Adon only gripped Marion’s back tighter and leaned into his shoulders. He could feel Marion waver a moment with Adon’s weight and then heard his voice.

“Can’t you keep your own balance, boy?” His voice quavered, and there was a sense of unease in it.

“What have I got to hold on to? You’ve got a mane.”

“This is going to take some getting used to,” Marion mumbled, crouching closer to Veridus’s neck. He was careful not to wrap his arms around it.

It didn’t take long for Marion to realize that he wasn’t exactly sure where he was going. He had been so caught up in the idea of leaving that he hadn’t given much thought to his actual direction. He glanced below. Everything looked so different from above. Landmarks were not as distinguishable; roads were obscured by the tops of trees; clouds and mists veiled the landscape; even the sun appeared differently from the sky. He scanned the terrain searching for some sign: a large road, lights of a city, the river. Ah, the river. Marion found it. He tugged Veridus slightly to the right and judged that they were about on the right path. They were on their way. For now, they would soar.

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