Monday, February 11, 2008

A Myth

It occurred to me today that many of our beliefs are based on myths. I would venture to say that many of the stories in the Old Testament are myths. And the funny thing is, we believe wholeheartedly in them. I'm not saying that they aren't true. I certainly am a Catholic Christian and I believe in God's Truth; I'm just saying that it is striking how so many of the world religions have religious texts that hold very similar myths. I wonder if it is because these myths are so close to the truth that they all have the same origin. Or is it because God has chosen to reveal himself differently to different people? I'm not saying that there are different "true" religions--there can only be one Truth--but all good comes from God, so there can certainly be certain smaller truths found in differing faiths. And these truths come alive in the myths.

Many Christians believe the Bible to be completely factual, a history book. I, on the other hand, though I believe the Bible is entirely true, don't take it as a factual history book. I guess it can be compared to what many people say about folktales: they are not exactly how something happened, but they are very true. I understand that while the Bible was inspired by God, it was written by human hands, and certain things were emphasized or elaborated according to the audience and the specific understanding of the culture of the time. A myth. Except that this collection of myths carried meaning much more powerful than even the most magical fairytale.

The Bible is the greatest love story, fantasy, adventure tale ever written.

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