Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Under the Influence

Sometimes it is hard to write in a blog everyday. Sometimes you don't feel inspired, or you just can't seem to get your fingers to want to type. But sometimes when you feel this way, if you just go ahead and write, the craziest things will come out of your head. Tonight is one of those nights.

I can't wait until we start reading Alice and Wonderland. I have never read it before, but I have heard stories that the author wrote it while he was on opium. It is intereting how many of the most famous classic stories were written under the influence of something. I don't promote illegal drugs in any way, but a lot of the time, they seem to really bring out the creativity in people. It is also interesting how they can cause adult people to create masterful pieces for children. It is as if finding that high (by using drugs) is really just finding the child in yourself, and that is what makes you feel so happy. It's too bad that people resort to using substances to get to that point. It should be something that is found naturally. If we all could just keep in touch with the child within, then life would be just a little bit better. Maybe that is why so many adults love to read children's stories. They are great sources of a natural high.

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