Thursday, April 24, 2008

Clifford the Small Red Puppy, Norman Bridwell

Clifford the Small Red Puppy was one of my favorite books when I was little. I love the Clifford books! My sister really loves them too. She would always get me to point to each little character in the illustrations and make a voice for them. We would giggle so hard. What I find interesting in the Clifford books is the humor. Clifford is always getting into trouble by only trying to help. Then in the end, he always saves the day. But Clifford the Small Red Puppy is a little different. Clifford doesn't try to help anyone in the story; it's just a growing up tale. But I think it does have a little lesson in it too. Even though Clifford was a runt to begin with, he grows up bigger and stronger than any other dog. Perhaps Norman Bridwell wants children to know that they will eventually grow up no matter how small they seem now.

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