Monday, April 14, 2008

The Little House, Virginia Lee Burton

The Little House was one of my favorite books when I was little. I'm not really sure why. It tells the story of a house that is built, lived-in, abandoned, and adopted again. All around the house the landscape goes from beautiful country to dirty, thriving city until she finally is moved to the country again. I think I always loved it because it is about history and the permanence of the house even though the world around her is changing so rapidly. It tells a lesson about technology too, explaining that in the city "Everyone seemed to be very busy and everyone seemed to be in a hurry." Is all this technology really worth it if our lives are just a racing mess? The house is only happy when she is surrounded by nature and is able to watch the slow changing of seasons. The city is dirty and grimy, loud and noisy, and ignores the charm of the little house. I want a little house, and I want it out in the country.

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